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The most eye opening tool a school can use to measure it's impact on student & staff wellbeing, environment, learning and community.
Guiding Questions
What informs your school's mission?
What's your school's purpose and direction?
How is your school looking after student and staff wellbeing?
What policies are in place?
What can easily be implemented to increase wellbeing?
How do your students learn?
What is relevant and research based?
Which learning models do you choose to focus on?
What's your school's eco balance?
How can movements like "Friday for Future" translate into everyday school life?
How do you involve your stakeholders?
How can the school strengthen the community and vice versa?
How to use the Self Assessment - please read before you continue
Where to start?
Each of the five sections are stand alone and, depending on your available time and intention, will take you around 15 minutes per section. You can choose to answer all of the sections or only sections that are of interest to you.
How to submit and save?
If you do not want to complete a section in one go, please do not close your browser (current version doesn't allow in between saving).
To get your report, please click 'submit' at the end of each section. This will help you for the further analysis.
Please click 'print' at the end of each section and save as a pdf to your desktop.
Who should fill this in?
Any members of a school and their wider community can complete relevant sections. The ideal scenario is that all sections of the questionnaire are filled in by a number of stakeholders to get a 360 degree perspective. In order to receive a report for that section, a minimum of 5 questionnaires is needed.
We are sure these questions will give you much to think about. Thanks for participating in this project - with your help we endeavour to make schools even better for our children and our planet.
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